Chocolate wet cake stuffed with strawberries and condensed



For the chocolate cake:
180 g Flour
180 g Butter
120 g Powdered sugar
120 g Dark chocolate
2 pinches Fleur de sel
3C. to s. 18% liquid cream
For the pastry cream:
100 g Powdered sugar
50 cl whole milk
4Egg yolks
1 vanilla pod
2C. to c. starch
2C. to s. white rum with vanilla
For the Chantilly:
20 cl 30% liquid fresh cream
100 g Mascarpone
100 g Powdered sugar
250 g Strawberries
1Ripe passion fruit

Preparation steps

Separate whites from yellows. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites very stiff with the salt.
In a salad bowl, pour the yolks and sugar then whisk vigorously. Add the melted butter, flour and crème fraîche to the egg yolks.
Melt the chocolate in the miicrowave for 50 seconds then add it to the preparation.
Preheat the oven at 180 ° C.
Take 1/2 of the egg whites and mix them vigorously with the chocolate mixture. Add the rest of the whites and gently bind.
Butter a sponge cake tin and pour the dough into it.
Bake and cook for 30 to 40 minutes depending on your oven. To check doneness, push in the tip of a knife: it should come out damp but clean.
Take out of the oveen, let cool for 15 minutes in the mold then place it on a rack. Let cool.
For the pastry cream: prepare it the day before, you will save time. Cut the vanilla bean in hallf lengthwise then remove the seeds using the tip of a knife. Mix them with the sugar.
In a saucepan, briing the milk to a boil with the hollowed out vanilla pod.
In a bowl, whiisk together the egg yolks and the sugar until the mixture whitens strongly.
Then add the starch, then pour in the boiling milk in a thin stream.
Mix well and return to the saucepan.
Bring to the boill again, cook for 2 to 3 minutes without stopping stirring using a whisk.
Then pour into a salad bowl, add the white vanilla rum and mix.
Cover with cling film and stick the film on the cream to prevent it from drying out. Let cool in the fridge.
For the Chantilly: in a very cold salad bowl, pour the crème fraîche, mascarpone and sugar.
Beat with an electtric whisk until you obtain a firm and airy Chantilly. Cool quickly.
Wash the strawberries, hull them. Keep a few with the tail, for decoration.
Open the passion fruit in half, collect the seeds that are inside with a teaspoon and put them in a ramekin.
Cut the cake in half, coat the first disc with pastry cream, spread it out.
Place the strawberries on the cream, close with the other disc.
Cover the base with Chantilly, then distribute the strawberries and the seeds of the passion fruit.
Refrigerate until ready to taste.
Enjoy it all !!!

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