milk cake


Learn about the easiest way to prepare delicious milk cake with simple steps, with its original ingredients and proper ingredients, to get the best results when preparing it using the distinctive and delicious "Yummy" method, try it now at your home and make your family happy.


        10 minutes

        8 people

Milk cake ingredients

    1 ½ cup all-purpose flour.

    ½ cup unsalted butter.

    2 cups of sugar.

    5 eggs.

    2 cups of milk at room temperature.

    A can of evaporated milk.

    Tray condensed milk sweetened.

    1 ½ cup liquid cream.

    2 teaspoons vanilla.

    A teaspoon of baking powder.

    pinch of salt

    How to prepare

        30 minutes

    In a deep bowl, put the butter and sugar and mix well with an electric mixer until the ingredients are homogeneous.

    Add the butter and sugar, one at a time, with a spoonful of vanilla, and mix well until the ingredients are homogeneous and double in size and become like foam.

    Add baking powder and a pinch of salt to the flour and mix well.

    Gradually add the flour mixture to the egg mixture, butter and sugar, while continuing to beat until the ingredients are combined.

    Preheat the oven to 170°C for five minutes.

    Grease a cake pan with oil, then pour the cake mixture and put it in the oven for 30 minutes or until it is completely done.

    Take another deep bowl and put the liquid milk, evaporated milk and condensed milk and mix them using the hand mixer.

    After the cake is completely settled, take it out of the oven and pierce it several holes using a fork or toothpick, then pour the previous mixture on the face of the cake until it is completely absorbed.

    In another bowl, put the cream, the second cup of sugar and a spoonful of vanilla, and mix well until all the ingredients are homogeneous.

    Decorate the cake with cream and spread it evenly on the face of the cake, then put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

    Take the cake out of the fridge and decorate the face with any kind of ground nuts you like and serve it cold for your family, healthy and here.

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