Granny’s Cocoa Cream Pie


How do you make easy chocolate pudding pie from scratch? Let me show you how! With only seven ingredients you’ll be mixing one up in no time!

How long does it take to make chocolate pie? About 15-20 minutes for cook time and an hour of refrigeration.

How do you store Chocolate Cream Pie? Simply cover with tin foil or plastic wrap and store in the fridge.

Cocoa Cream Pie Recipe Notes

Some people asked if you need to bake or freeze it… No, is the answer. It is an old-fashioned pudding. It thickens as you cook it and will firm up more when you chill it, but if you want to eat it warm by all means do! * I

don’t recommend using arrowroot powder as a substitute for cornstarch or flour; it kind of makes it stringy and sticky. I had it as a gluten-free option, but took it out, because I did not like the outcome. Cornstarch is a perfect gluten-free option and was always my granny’s first choice when making cream pies.

To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:


½ c. cocoa

¼ cup cornstarch/or arrowroot powder (or ½ c. all purpose flour)

3 egg yolks

1 ½ c. sugar

¼ tsp. salt

2 c. milk

1 tsp. vanilla


Mix cocoa, cornstarch, beaten egg yolks; sugar and salt, then add milk gradually, while stirring in a pot over med-high heat.

Cook until thick, beating it smooth. Cream pies take some time to thicken, so stir… and stir (10-15 min). Using a heavy bottom pan really helps.

Just keep it up until it thickens. Pour into a pre-baked pie shell. Put in the fridge to chill, add whipped cream if you like :0 Or use the left over egg whites for a meringue topping!

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